by Howard Percival Johnson

It must be the rich blend of aromas that are released when the cover is first removed. Or the way the mahogany and paint comes alive when lighted by the sun. It could be the way the curves of the sheer, the line of the bow or the lapstrake sides just take your eye and move it along. It’s almost in motion, while sitting still. You never tire of looking at it. There are memories of boats you’ve known and the ones played on as kids. The plans you make, the looking forward to the next trip or the next improvement.

Imagining new upholstery or new varnish or a new bottom color. How fast would it go with a bigger engine? Who could you pull on skis? Where could we go next weekend; what will be our next big adventure? The super human effort required to bring it all about. The car turns into a “rig” with the boat and trailer behind. People make a big fuss over a wooden boat. You get nervous over making the trip and finding the ramp. The feeling you get when it lifts off the trailer for the first time and is suddenly afloat. Then a flush of excitement and relief when the engine roars into life. Idling along, the bow cuts the water into a graceful wave which trickles along the hull. With the throttle open, the rumbling sound of power muffled only by water; rpm and acceleration, breaking free, up on a plane. All the grind of life vanishes, as you glide away from land. Suddenly everyone is so much more friendly; everything ahead is so beautiful. You are now able to take in all the miracle that is our Earth. Every sense is filled with the ever changing scenes. The rolling motions, sweet air, vibrant colors, along with gorgeous varnished wood and gleaming white sides, enrich us to the core.

Unexpected events and unusual demands make us momentary heroes. Time is forgotten for a while but too soon comes the bitter/sweet return to land and thoughts of evening. Perhaps you enjoy a long sunset-viewing on board. Then, how great the boat looks tied up at the dock; the happy, bouncy way it rocks around as waves go by. What a great day it was, with the feeling of your new sunburn.

Every ride is unique and contains its own delights. Each is like a movie, all our own, one we take in with our eyes and play back later in our head. Many movies stay with us all our lives, memories of a great day, the greatest day, never to be forgotten. Where we go, what we shared with others, how great it was, all shape our lives and further enriches our love for our old Lymans.